Care for hibiscus: The 3 biggest mistakes
For a healthy growth and a rich flowering the hibiscus needs the right care at the right time.
If problems occur, it could be due to these mistakes.
The garden hibiscus and its varieties love a sunny, warm place in the garden. From July to September they present their flowers
whether indoors or outdoors: with their magnificent flowers,
the representatives of the genus Hibiscus exude exotic flair.
For the garden, the hardy garden hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) comes into question.
In summer, the frost-sensitive rose mallow (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) can be found on balconies and terraces,
but it is also cultivated as a pure houseplant.
To ensure that the Asian beauties feel completely at home,
you should avoid the following mistakes in care and choice of location.
Mistake 1: No or too late trimming
The following applies to both the garden hibiscus and the rose mallow:
If one neglects to cut them, the shrubs age with time and only a few flowers develop.
Since the summer bloomers bear their flowers on the new wood, you can cut the previous year's shoots in spring.
Dense crowns are thinned out. In order to preserve the natural shape of the crown,
cut back the shoots at the edge a little more than in the center.
A good time to use scissors is in February.
Do not wait too long before cutting the hibiscus, otherwise the plants will flower late.
If a hibiscus is already over-aged and lazy in flower, a stronger pruning will help.
All branches are cut to about 30 to 50 centimeters and the plants are thinned out altogether.
After such a radical pruning, the next blossom will
be cancelled - but the flowering shrubs will thrive all the more beautifully the following year.
Mistake 2: Wrong location
If the flower is sparse, it may be in the wrong location.
If a hibiscus is too shady, it will not develop its flowering splendour optimally.
Whether in the garden, on the terrace or in the room:
the hibiscus - including the perennial hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) - needs a place in the sun.
The harsher the climate, the more important it is to have a warm, wind- and rain-protected outdoor location.
The potted plants in the house also need sufficient light and heat.
You can place the rose mallow close to a sunny south-facing window.
Only in the height of summer does it need to be protected from intense midday sun.
The hibiscus also hibernates as brightly as possible at about 15 degrees Celsius so that it does not shed too many leaves.
Dark stairwells or cellars are not recommended as winter quarters.
Hibiscus care: 5 tips for the perfect flowering
With good care, hibiscus blooms intensively and beautifully, but the plant is demanding.With these tips your marshmallow will cut a fine figure all year round. Read more
Mistake 3: Fertilization too late
Errors can also quickly occur in the timing of fertilization.
There is no question: during the growth period, the hibiscus is dependent on a sufficient supply of nutrients.
If it lacks nutrients, it sprouts only weakly and hardly forms any buds.
It is best to supply the hibiscus in the garden with compost, the marshmallow in a pot with liquid fertilizer.
However, if the garden hibiscus is also fertilized in autumn, the shoots become very soft and do not ripen in time.
As a result, frost damage can occur in winter. In time before the resting period one should stop fertilizing therefore.
Only from the next spring on, the fertilizer application will be slowly increased again.
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