Garden Calendar: What do I do in the garden and when?


 What do I do in the garden and when? This is a question especially new gardeners ask themselves. In our overview you will find the most important work in the garden year.

when is it best to sow, fertilize or cut? For many gardening jobs, 

there is the right time of year, which you should also know as a hobby gardener. 

That is why we have prepared a small overview of the most important monthly gardening tasks. 

So you always know exactly when you have to do what in the garden.

What do I do in the garden in January?

In January, the garden is still largely dormant, but a few things have to be done. 

In the fruit and vegetable garden, gardening work such as pruning fruit trees is on the agenda in January and the first vegetables can be brought forward. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the kitchen garden in January. 

But also in the ornamental garden the first maintenance work is on the to-do list in January. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in January.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

✔Cut fruit trees: Pome fruit such as apples, quinces and pears can be cut in thawing weather
✔Cut the wood from currants and gooseberries
✔Prefer heat-loving vegetables such as paprika, chilli and aubergines
✔Check fruit trees for lichen infestation
✔Remove snow from greenhouses, conservatories, trees and shrubs
✔Harvest winter vegetables


✔cut down trees
✔Cold germ sowing
✔Treat rubber flow on decorative cherries
✔Remove root stolons
✔Hang up nest boxes

What am I doing in the garden in February? 

In February, beds are prepared, vegetables sown or potatoes pre-germinated in the kitchen garden. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for February in the kitchen garden.

But also ornamental gardeners have a lot to do in February: The compost has to be sieved, 

summer flowering shrubs cut and ornamental grasses trimmed. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for February in the ornamental garden.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

⇛Harvest winter vegetables
⇛Protect vegetables from late frost
⇛Take soil samples in the vegetable garden
⇛Pregerminate new potatoes
⇛Prepare beds for sowing
⇛prefer vegetables
Garden Calendar: What do I do in the garden and when?


⇛Pruning of summer flowering shrubs
⇛compost sieve
⇛Remove old inflorescences from farmer hydrangeas
⇛Fighting goutweed at an early stage
⇛Share late summer flowering perennials like asters, stonecrop or coneflower
⇛Trimming Chinese reeds and other ornamental grasses
⇛prefer summer flowers

 What am I doing in the garden in March?

In March the gardening season starts and it is finally time to work hard again. 

In the vegetable garden, salads are planted, herbs are trimmed and the first tomatoes are brought forward. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the kitchen garden in March. 

In the ornamental garden, on the other hand, it is time to prune various shrubs, perennials and woody plants. 

Here you will find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in March.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

⇏Planting and sowing lettuce
⇏Pome fruit: cutting fast-growing trees
⇏Trimming herbs
⇏Seed cabbages in a cold frame
⇏mulch berry bushes
⇏Fertilise fruit trees
⇏Prepare seedbeds
⇏Cut back and cover the strawberries
⇏Prefer tomatoes on the windowsill


⇏Pruning for roses
⇏Cut cherry laurel
⇏Cleaning the garden pond
⇏Fertilise bulbous flowers
⇏share perennials
⇏Cut back heather, ornamental grasses and perennials
⇏Replant trees and bushes
⇏Scarifying and sowing lawn
⇏Manure perennial beds

What am I doing in the garden in April?

Especially in the fruit and vegetable garden there is a lot to do in April. 

Whether fertilizing fruit trees, planting potatoes or pricking tomatoes - in our gardening tips for the kitchen garden in April, 

we have listed all the important gardening work that is due this month. 

In the ornamental garden you should now thinn out spring flowers and plant dahlias. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in April.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

➢Fertilise fruit trees and shrubs
➢Plant currants
➢prefer cucumbers and melons
➢plant potatoes
➢seed a salad
➢Cut back the peach tree
➢prick tomatoes
➢Place vegetable nets
➢Promote beneficial organisms
➢Cut back raspberries and blackberries
➢Fruit trees: Tie down new shoots
Garden Calendar: What do I do in the garden and when?


-Peel young shoots of perennials and summer flowers
-Fighting snails
-Planting ground cover
-Planting and dividing ornamental grasses
-Thinning out spring bloomers
-Plant summer bulbs
-Isolate young plants of summer flowers
-Fixing climbing aids for young climbing plants
-Sowing summer flowers directly
-turf care
-Green manure for all plants -drive dahlias

 What do I do in the garden in May?

In May, market gardeners can already put the first young plants out in the fresh air. 

The vegetable beds should also be chopped so that the first vegetables can be sown outside. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the kitchen garden in May.

If you like, you can use May to create a flower meadow in the ornamental garden or fill gaps in the beds with new plants. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in May.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-Plant out peppers and tomatoes
-sough vegetables
-Thinning out row seeds
-Hoeing vegetable plots
-Fertilizing and mulching fruit and vegetable plants
-Plums: Thin out the fruit
-espalier fruit: peel off side shoots
-Cutting wild fruit


-Create flower meadows
-Filling gaps in the bed with new plants
-cut lilacs
-apply bark mulch
-Sowing of summer flowers and biennials
-Bulb flower care
-Roses: wild shoots break off
-keep pines in shape
-Planting gladiolas and dahlias
-Trimming rooted plugwoods

What do I do in the garden in June?

Garden Calendar: What do I do in the garden and when?

In June the first tomatoes can already be sown. 

This month is also a good time to make cowswill. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the kitchen garden in June. 

In the ornamental garden, newly sown lawn can be mowed for the first time this month and ornamental shrubs can be propagated using cuttings. 

In addition, two-year-olds are now being sown. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in June.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-Watering fruit trees during drought
-Keep tree discs clear
-Trimming rosemary
-roast tomatoes
-Harvest the last asparagus
-Shading and ventilating the greenhouse
-apply plant slurry
-Pulling out water shoots from fruit trees
-Harvesting early potatoes


-Shortening the young sticks
-Mowing new lawns for the first time
-manure the lawn
-Seed two-year olds
-Cut back upholstery shrubs
-Cleaning out lilac after flowering
-cut hedges
-propagate ornamental shrubs by cuttings
-Care and fertilize roses

 What am I doing in the garden in July?

Commercial nurseries are fully occupied in July: Whether harvesting, sowing or tending - in June many gardening tasks are pending in the fruit and vegetable garden. 

Here you will find our detailed gardening tips for the kitchen garden in July. 

In the ornamental garden, the main focus in July is on irrigation, 

because thanks to the ever hotter summers, rainfall is usually long gone. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in July.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-Harvesting fruit and vegetables
-sough vegetables
-mulch berry bushes
-propagate berry bushes
-Harvest, dry and multiply herbs
-Hoeing vegetable plots


-Cutting withered shrubs
-Fertilizing roses for the last time
-Propagating freshly planted ground cover
-Water the lawn regularly
-Fertilise summer flowering bulbous and tuberous plants
-Maintain garden pond

 What do I do in the garden in August?

Eager market gardeners know August is the last sowing and planting date for many vegetables such as chard and endive. 

Here you will find more gardening tips for the kitchen garden in August. 

In the ornamental garden, however, hydrangeas can be fertilized and Madonna lilies can be planted. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in August.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-Harvesting fruit and vegetables
-Sowing and planting vegetables
-Fertilise fruit trees
-Plant blueberries


-Summer fertilization for hydrangeas
-Cut back lavender
-Propagating ground cover roses by cuttings
-Cutting hedges for a second time
-Plant autumn bloomers

What do I do in the garden in September? 

The midsummer is over, but the gardening work is not diminishing as a result. 

Fruit and vegetable growers should now apply glue rings to protect fruit trees from the frost moth. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the kitchen garden in September.
Garden Calendar: What do I do in the garden and when?

Ornamental gardeners dedicate this month to lawn care, planting bulb flowers or sowing biennials. 

You can find out what else you need to do in our gardening tips for the ornamental garden in September.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-Tomatoes and peppers: remove new flowers
-Cutting the pieces of wood from berry bushes
-Attaching glue rings to fruit trees
-Sowing green manure
-Harvest fruit, vegetables and herbs


-Lawn care in autumn
-Share perennials
-Plant bulbous flowers
-Fertilizing roses with potassium
-plant bulbs
-Seed two-year olds
-Cleaning nesting boxes
-Cover the garden pond
-Sowing new lawn
-Transplanting evergreen woody plants
-Set up hedgehog quarters

 What do I do in the garden in October?

The golden October holds a long list of gardening jobs for fruit and vegetable gardeners. 

First and foremost, of course, is the harvest. 

What else there is to do, you will find in our gardening tips for the kitchen garden in October. 

For ornamental gardeners, October is the perfect time to plant bulbs, renew bald spots in the lawn and plant roses. 

Here you will find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in October.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-Harvest, use or store fruit and vegetables
-plant winter onions
-plant gooseberries
-Cut back autumn raspberries


-Prepare new plantings
-Lawn: Renew bare patches
-Replanting trees
-plant roses
-Set up hedgehog quarters

 What do I do in the garden in November?

Anyone who has an orchard and vegetable garden knows that even if the gardening season is slowly coming to an end, 

there is still enough to do in an orchard and vegetable garden. 

Young fruit trees are protected from frost, shrubs such as elderberry are thinned out and the vegetable beds cleared. 

What else there is to do can be found in our gardening tips for the kitchen garden in November. 

It is also time to think about our small, prickly garden inhabitants. 

You should offer hedgehogs a cuddly winter home in your ornamental garden. 

Here you will find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in November.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-pick vegetables
-Cut back autumn raspberries
-clear vegetable patches
-Compost care in autumn
-fruit trees: trunks white
-Spreading frost protection for cold-sensitive cabbages


-Set up hedgehog quarters
-plant bulbs
-Removing sick or old trees
-Planting new hedges
-plant groves
-plant spring perennials
-Plant bare root roses
-Prepare the ground for new beds

 What do I do in the garden in December?

Garden Calendar: What do I do in the garden and when?

In December, winter protection is at the top of the to-do list. 

In the fruit and vegetable garden you can also make some preparations for the next gardening year. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the kitchen garden in December. 

In the ornamental garden, flowering shrubs are now also propagated with the help of plugs. 

Here you can find more gardening tips for the ornamental garden in December.

Orchard and vegetable garden:

-dig up ground
-Protect young fruit plants from frost
-pick vegetables
-Supply fruit trees with compost
-fruit trees: trunks white
-Whitewashing the garden floor


-Preventing snow breakage on bushes
-Cut Barbara twigs
-Protect shrub roses from frost cracks
-Protect evergreens from winter sun
-Water winter-flowering perennials regularly
-Propagate flowering shrubs by means of plugging woods
-Check stored onions and tubers

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